Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Apple's Sleekest Design Yet-Corporate Philanthropy

I try not to comment too much about huge companies and their corporate philanthropy strategies- unless they have created a model that can be replicated by small businesses. The latest flurry of commentary and news about Apple's corporate philanthropy( or lack of) have left some valuable lessons for businesses of all sizes.

A few weeks ago after the announcement of Steve Jobs' resignation, the New York Times published a critical article about the lack of his personal philanthropy and the absence of any corporate giving.

Not less than two weeks after these stories, Tim Cook the new CEO laid out Apple's new corporate giving plan as reported by PC Magazine. This program comes as a  sleek and straightforward employee matching gift program where Apple will match every employee's charitable donations up to $10,000.00 a year.

The beauty of this approach can be seen from several points of view: first, it's an effective tool engaging the employees in their own giving as it both motivates and rewards them for doing so; secondly, this plan becomes a very efficient tool for supporting  local community causes as employees are more likely to identify and care about the local causes that are closest to their hearts; finally, this program streamlines the process of deciding on the recipients as Apple itself does not need to create any kind of application process

But mostly, any small or large business can replicate or adapt this program to create their own giving plan. It's simple and elegant and very effective, just like Apple's products.

1 comment:

Jana said...

Great post, Lalia and important point that corporate matching to incent employee giving is applicable to companies of all sizes (after all, they're all competing for the same talent!) There's a huge amount of evidence that shows that people expect their companies to care: Nearly 70% of people say causes factor into where to work; for Moms that increases to 79% and for Millennials to 87%. 81% of employees want matching donations (2010 Cone Cause Evolution Study)).

Companies of all shapes and sizes are now more interested than ever in workplace giving…With new technology and approaches to employee giving and volunteering, small and mid sized companies can also give their employees a seat at the social responsibility table and roll out workplace giving programs that previously were only seen in larger companies…